If you would like to become involved with Company of Friends please contact either Paul Goetzee or Admin via the website.
“Friends of Friends” has been set up so that you can become an honorary member of the company and get involved in our projects in any way you feel you want to, be it donating money or resources, helping out, sharing skills - whatever it is we would love to hear from you.
As a Friend of Friends you would be entitled to free tickets to all performances, half-price on any other events and a T-shirt and goody bag. What more could you want?
Previous exceptional Donations include:
Alex Byard, England Ongoing support, Niece of John Moran, really appreciated
Laura, Liverpool Donated a Laptop, and very useful
Mary Mac, Liverpool large donation, and much appreiated
Adam, St Helens Sponsored Santa Run, and donated large donation, big thank you
In memory of John Moran
"Our dear brother John Moran loved lots of things - trains, 007, Pipe music, Christmas and Company of Friends. When he died in January 2020 we gave his set of bagpipes to the Wirral Pipe Band to be used for teaching young players. They kindly gave us some money and we couldn’t think of a better way of saying thank you to Company of Friends than to give the money to you. Thank you for giving John so much - for the friendship, the opportunity to perform as an equal with other theatrical groups, the laughter and the sheer joy of being part of something creative. Pat, Tony, Kathleen and Bernadette Moran Wishing you continued success in all you do."